- 1. Macramé Pattern Book: Includes Over 70 Knots and Small Repeat Patterns
- (Blog)
- This is one of the best Macrame Book that I have seen. (English edition published in 2013) Includes Over 70 Knots and Small Repeat Patterns Plus Projects. A comprehensive directory of over seventy ...
- Created on 14 April 2015
- 2. German Macrame Book (1975) Deutsch Makramee Buch
- (Blog)
- German Macrame Book Review (published 1975). Makramee: schöpferische Knüpfereien mit Fäden und Schnüren von Freya E. Lentz. In diesem Buch wird Wert auf übersichtliche Anleitungen gelegt. Es werden hier ...
- Created on 10 April 2015
- 3. Macrame Scrapbook Review (1986) Макраме альбом
- (Blog)
- Macrame scrapbook (published 1986) Ideas for Macrame - "Макраме альбом" by Anna Krauze. В книге представлены основные виды узлов и принципы их объединения. В альбоме показаны оригинальные плетеные предметы ...
- Created on 27 March 2015
- 4. The ABC of Weaving (1992) Review
- (Blog)
- The ABC of Weaving (published 1992) Old Russian Book Review - "Азбука плетения". In this book you can see many interesting ideas and patterns. Перед вами книга об узелковом плетении - макраме. Ее можно ...
- Created on 19 March 2015
- 5. Macramé: Creative Design in Knotting (Book Review)
- (Blog)
- ... sculptures, wall hangings, vests, skirts, bottle covers, belts, purses, lampshade covers, and ponchos. Without needles, hooks, or complicated tools, the student of Macrame can produce beautiful, ...
- Created on 14 March 2015
- 6. The Craft of Macramé (Book Review)
- (Blog)
- The Craft of Macramé (published in 1972) is a complete guide to the basic techniques of this artistic skill. After becoming familiar with the materials and knots, the beginner can progress to making belts, ...
- Created on 07 March 2015
- 7. How to Reversed Half Hitches
- (Patterns)
- How to tie Reversed Half Hitches, Larks Head Sennits or chains. They can be used as bracelets, belts, or just for decoration. Very easy to make, can be used as a Survival ...
- Created on 18 August 2014
- 8. How to Half Hitch knots
- (Patterns)
- How to tie a Half Hitch knots or oldest name - Basket Stitch. Can be used as a part of plant hangers, belts, bracelets (zipper bracelet), and other items. This is very easy ...
- Created on 17 August 2014